Pradeep Soundararajan got threatened with lawyers when he criticized Testing Experience magazine for being under the thumb of the ISTQB (for those who don't yet know, the ISTQB are the guys who want … [Read more...] about Pradeep Pulls The Tail of the ISTQB
Satisfice Blog
A View From Inside ISTQB/ISEB
Alan Richardson writes this commentary from inside one of the stupidest of the certification programs: the ISTQB (well, he says "ISEB", but by all accounts, it's being taken over by ISTQB … [Read more...] about A View From Inside ISTQB/ISEB
34 Years in Testing
This past Friday, May 21st, 2021, was exactly 34 years since my first day at Apple Computer as a tester. Before that I was a dev, but I have been a tester ever since. This has put me in a … [Read more...] about 34 Years in Testing
My War: Agency vs. Algorithm
In a recent Twitter conversation, yet again someone who should know better claimed that testing improves quality, and yet again Michael Bolton and I rose to speak against that notion. Our … [Read more...] about My War: Agency vs. Algorithm
Let’s test at Let’s Test
I've been telling people that the best conference I know for thinking testers is Let's Test (followed closely by CAST, which I will also be at, this year, in New York). Let's Test was created by … [Read more...] about Let’s test at Let’s Test
Integrity #3: A Testimonial
Oliver Erlewein is an automation specialist. He's respected in the Context-Driven Testing community of New Zealand and has been an agitator pushing back against the ISTQB. After some years of … [Read more...] about Integrity #3: A Testimonial
How I Invented Sympathetic Testing
I did not invent sympathetic testing. Anyone who says I claim to have invented it will have only read the title of this post, but nothing further. Now you know. I may have been the first in my circle … [Read more...] about How I Invented Sympathetic Testing
What We Read
I staggered out of the Cambridge Press bookstore a bit dazed, today, having gorged on 21 books. [Addendum: I mean by this that I browsed them, purchased them, and had them shipped home.] If you want … [Read more...] about What We Read
Exploratory Testing is not “Experienced-Based” Testing
Prabhat Nayak is yet another thinking tester recently hired by the rising Indian testing powerhouse, Moolya. Speaking of the ISTQB syllabus, he writes: One such disagreement of mine is they have put … [Read more...] about Exploratory Testing is not “Experienced-Based” Testing
Bach Brothers Legion of Testing Merit
My brother and I are instituting a new award at the CAST conference on Monday: The Bach Brothers Legion of Testing Merit. We will give this award periodically in recognition of certain testers who, … [Read more...] about Bach Brothers Legion of Testing Merit