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Dedicated to teaching and consulting in software testing and quality analysis, Satisfice, Inc. is a family business run by James and Lenore Bach.
Hi, I'm James Bach. I specialize in software testing. I teach, coach, consult, and write about it as a skilled craft. I am part of a community called the Context-Driven School, and this website is a partial library of my research and thinking about testing. The methodology I created is called Rapid Software Testing.
I have been testing software and consulting for 32 years. Clients generally ask me to help evaluate or develop their testing culture and practices. I have also served as an expert witness in court cases that relate to software.
Posts about Rapid Software Testing Methodology
What Classes Should I Schedule?
By James Bach
34 Years in Testing
By James Bach
Tricentis Called. Now We’ll See.
By James Bach
Bug Pipeline Reaction: Paul Szymkowiak and How Context-Driven Thinkers Talk
By James Bach
Unclogging the Bug Pipeline
By James Bach
Assess Quality, Don’t Measure It
By James Bach
To What Have I Been Up?
By James Bach
Public Class in the Seattle Area
By James Bach
Rethinking Equivalence Class Partitioning, Part 1
By James Bach